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2012 메르세데스 벤츠 SL 63 AMG 풀사이즈 사진들

카넷 2012. 7. 3.

2012 메르세데스 벤츠 SL 63 AMG 풀사이즈 사진들

전설적인 클래식카 300 SL을 잇는 제 6세대 SL-Class로 국내에는 고성능 모델인 The new SL 63 AMG를 선보인다. 1952년 레이싱카로 첫 선을 보였던 SL은 1954년에 이르러 300 SL 걸윙으로 탄생되었고, 그 이후 지금까지 60여 년간 스포티한 성능, 매력적인 디자인, 뛰어난 스타일, 혁신적인 기술, 최고의 엔지니어링 공학을 상징하는 모델로 자리매김해왔다. 

60여 년의 역사가 집약된 The new SL 63 AMG는 정통 로드스터 디자인에 현대적인 감각의 스포티함과 우아함이 어우러진 매혹적인 디자인, 프론트 베이스 시스템, 매직 비전 컨트롤 등 최초로 선보이는 혁신적인 기술, 그리고 한층 다이내믹하면서도 편안한 드라이빙 성능이 더해져 럭셔리 로드스터 세그먼트에서 다시한번 새로운 기준을 제시하고 있다. 

The new SL 63 AMG에는 메르세데스-벤츠의 양산 모델 최초로 올 알루미늄 보디 셀을 적용했으며 기존 모델과 달리 완전히 새롭게 설계된 차체로 한층 더 강인해졌다. 

The new SL 63 AMG의 알루미늄 차체의 무게는 256kg으로 기존 모델 대비 약 110kg 가벼워졌으며, 비틀림 강성도 20% 향상되어 역동적인 주행과 안전성, 연료 효율성까지 모두 실현하였다. 

뿐만 아니라 The new SL 63 AMG는 효율적인 경량 구조로 제작 되어 폭발적인 출력과 주행 역동성에도 불구하고 연료 소비와 배기가스 배출은 30% 이상 감소되어 파워와 효율성 모두를 만족시킨다. 

The new SL 63 AMG는 배기량 5,461cc 신형 V형 8기통 AMG 엔진에 AMG SPEEDSHIFT 7단 멀티클러치 변속기가 장착되었다. 최고 출력 537마력(5,250-5,750rpm), 최대 토크 81.6kg·m(2,000-4,500rpm)의 강력한 주행능력을 발휘하며 운전자에게 잊지 못할 드라이빙 경험을 선사한다. 또, 정지 상태에서 100km/h를 4.3초 만에 주파하고 연비와 CO2 배출량은 각각 7.8km/ℓ(복합연비), 230g/km로 효율성을 높였다. 가격은 2억7백9십만원(부가세 포함)이다. 

전통과 현대적 감각이 조화를 이룬 디자인 

The new SL 63 AMG는 긴 보닛과 넓은 근육질의 후미로 이어지는 정통 로드스터의 비율이 고스란히 적용되었고, 여기에 스포티함과 우아함이 더해져 전통과 현대적인 감각이 조화를 이룬 최고의 프리미엄 로드스터로 탄생했다. 

실내에는 비행기의 제트 엔진을 연상시키는 독특한 디자인의 에어밴트를 비롯해 AMG 앰블럼이 새겨진 E-SELECT 레버와 나파 가죽의 AMG 퍼포먼스 스티어링 휠 및 알루미늄 변속 패들이 럭셔리 로드스터의 위용을 더욱 돋보이게 한다. 이 외에도 3가지 색상의 엠비언트 라이트, AMG 계기반, AMG 스포츠 나파 가죽 시트, 카본 트림 등이 적용되어 스포티함과 고급스러움이 조화를 이루는 실내 디자인이 완성되었으며, AMG 계기반에는 클래식한 디자인의 IWC 아날로그 시계가 장착되어 프리미엄 로드스터의 이미지를 한층 더 부각시켜준다. 

알루미늄 보디셀 과 카본 파이버의 효율적인 경량 구조 

The new SL 63 AMG는 메르세데스-벤츠 양산 모델 최초로 차체 전체를 알루미늄으로 제작해 차량의 무게를 이전 모델보다 140kg이나 감소시켰다. 특히 각 부분별 용도에 따라 알루미늄 공정을 차별화하는 등 효율적인 경량화를 통해 이전 스틸 구조에 비해 차체 강성, 안전성, 편의성과 진동 특성 등이 훨씬 더 향상되었다. A-필러만 유일하게 안전 확보를 위해 고강도 스틸 튜브를 사용했으며, 트렁크 덮개는 양산차 최초로 경량 카본 파이버로 내부 지지대를 제작해 중량을 더욱 감소시켰다. 중량 감소로 연료 소비도 감소되었으며, 드라이빙의 즐거움은 더욱 향상되었다. 

The new SL 63 AMG의 알루미늄 바디는 뛰어난 디자인과 경량화 실현으로 최근 유로 카 바디 어워드 2012 (EuroCarBody Award 2012)에서 최고상을 수상한 바 있다. 

다이내믹한 주행과 쾌적한 오픈 에어링을 돕는 혁신적인 기술 

The new SL 63 AMG에는 강력한 파워와 주행 역동성을 선사하는 메르세데스-AMG의 5.5리터 V형 8기통 바이터보 엔진이 장착되었다. 최고 출력 537마력, 최대 토크 81.6 kg.m의 뛰어난 운동 성능을 발휘하고, 정지 상태에서 100km까지 단 4.3초 만에 도달한다. 퍼포먼스 패키지(Performance Package) 선택시에는 최고 출력은 27마력, 최대 토크는 11 kg·m가 증가하고 정지 상태에서 100km까지 4.2초 만에 도달할 수 있다. 

또, 액티브 바디 컨트롤(ABC) 기반의 AMG 스포츠 서스펜션은 차량이 측풍의 영향을 받을 때 ABC 컨트롤 장치가 ESP® 에 의해 감지된 속도, 선회속도(yaw-rate), 조향각 등을 계산해 각 휠의 하중 배분을 제어하여 측풍에 의한 영향을 최소화시킨다. 

The new SL 63 AMG는 쾌적한 오픈 에어링 환경을 위해 시트 상단 부분에 히팅팬을 장착하여 운전자 및 동승자의 머리와 목 부위를 따뜻한 공기로 감싸주는 에어스카프(AIRSCARF) 기능과 찬바람이 머리 뒤로 들이치는 것을 막아주는 전동 바람막이(Draught-stop) 기능이 적용되어 4계절 내내 쾌적한 오픈 탑 주행을 가능케 한다. 

특히, The new SL 63 AMG에 최초로 적용된 프런트 베이스(FrontBass) 시스템은 알루미늄 차체 구조로 얻어진 운전석과 조수석의 발 밑 빈 공간을 베이스 라우드 스피커의 공명 공간으로 활용한 것으로, 루프 개폐 여부에 상관없이 언제나 깨끗하고 생생한 베이스 사운드를 즐길 수 있다. 또, 최고급 사운드 시스템인 B&O Beosound AMG가 기본 사양으로 적용되었다. 

또한, 세계 최초로 선보이는 매직 비전 컨트롤 (MAGIC VISION CONTROL)은 와이퍼의 좌우 작동 방향에 맞춰 와이퍼에 결합된 분사구에서 워셔액이 직접 분무된다. 이에 따라 앞 유리에 워셔액이 분무되는 동안 운전자의 시야를 방해하는 일이 발생하지 않고, 오픈 탑 드라이빙을 즐기는 경우에도 워셔액이 실내로 들이치는 상황을 방지할 수 있다. 

더욱 진보된 편의 및 안전 장치 

The new SL 63 AMG에는 키를 손에 쥐고 있지 않은 상태에서 문을 열고 시동을 거는 것이 가능한 키레스-고(KEYLESS-GO)와 트렁크에 손을 대지 않고 발의 움직임만으로 트렁크 개폐가 가능한 핸즈프리 액세스(HANDS-FREE ACCESS) 기능이 적용되어 주행자의 편의성을 한층 높였다. 

또, 주의 어시스트(ATTENTION ASSIST), 프리-세이프(PRE-SAFE®)와 어댑티브 브레이크 라이트(Adaptive brake lights), 인텔리전트 라이트 시스템 (Intelligent Light System)등 메르세데스-벤츠만의 총체적인 안전 기술이 대거 적용되어 다이내믹하면서도 안전한 드라이빙을 가능하게 해준다.

Mercedes-Benz SL 63 AMG

The new Mercedes-Benz SL 63 AMG: High-performance dream car with efficiency credentials
The stage is set for the new Mercedes-Benz SL 63 AMG. The new version of the high-performance Roadster impresses on several counts: systematic lightweight construction, a boost in output and driving dynamics, and 30 percent lower fuel consumption and emissions. Thanks to an all-aluminium bodyshell, similar to that of the SLS AMG super sports car, the vehicle weight has been reduced by 125 kilograms. With a kerb weight of 1845 kilograms and an output of 395 kW (537 hp) or 415 kW (564 hp), the new model has the perfect recipe for unparalleled dynamism and a superior driving experience. A further boost in performance comes courtesy of a winning combination: enhanced AMG sports suspension based on Active Body Control (ABC), new AMG speed-sensitive sports steering, the AMG high-performance composite braking system and the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission. The expressive front section is dominated by the new "twin blade" radiator grille and the front apron's lower cross strut in silver chrome. An enticing mix of stylish design, extensive standard equipment and a high safety level.
Supreme performance and high efficiency: the SL 63 AMG is available with a choice of two power ratings for the first time. The AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine delivers 395 kW(537 hp) and 800 Nm of torque. If the AMG Performance package is specified, drivers will have 415 kW (564 hp) and 900 Nm at their disposal – more power than any other competitor in this segment. The result is phenomenal performance, as underlined by the acceleration times from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.3 or 4.2 seconds respectively.
A speed of 200 km/h is reached in 12.9 or 12.6 seconds respectively. Top speed is electronically limited to 250 km/h, although this increases to 300 km/h (likewise electronically limited) with the AMG Performance package on board. NEDC combined consumption comes in at 9.9 litres per 100 kilometres for both power ratings – a full 4.2 litres or 30 percent less than for the outgoing model.
The eight-cylinder powerplant with the abbreviation M 157 features a combination of innovative high-tech components – for high power output – and delivers exemplary, low fuel consumption. In addition to spray-guided direct petrol injection, the engine boasts an all-aluminium crankcase, twin turbochargers, four valves per cylinder with camshaft adjustment, air/water intercooling, alternator management and an ECO start/stop function. The weight-optimised AMG sports exhaust system with two chromed twin tailpipes produces a distinctive engine sound.
The key data at a glance:
5461 cc
Bore x stroke
98.0 × 90.5 mm
Compression ratio
395 kW (537 hp) at 5500 rpm
415 kW (564 hp) at 5500 rpm*
Max. torque
800 Nm at 2000-4500 rpm
900 Nm at 2250-3750 rpm*
Engine weight (dry)
204 kg
Vehicle weight in acc. with EC standard
1845 kg
Fuel consumption, NEDC combined
9.9 l/100 km
CO2 emissions
231 g/km
Acceleration 0-100 km/h
4.3 s 4.2 s*
Top speed
250 km/h**
* with AMG Performance package ** electronically limited
Intelligent lightweight construction with aluminium bodyshell and carbon fibre
Intelligent lightweight construction is one of the major factors behind the low fuel consumption figures. The SL 63 AMG is based on a lightweight all-aluminium bodyshell similar to that of the SLS AMG super sports car. Compared with the preceding model which featured a steel construction, this design not only delivers a significant weight saving of around 110 kilograms, it also greatly enhances rigidity, safety and comfort. Intelligent lightweight construction also means that the components have been optimised in line with their specific purpose. Various types of processing are used for the aluminium components, for instance, which are produced as permanent mould castings (reusable metallic casting mould) or vacuum die castings before being processed into extruded sections or used as sheet aluminium with varying wall thicknesses. The result is high rigidity, high safety and improved vibration characteristics. For the cover behind the tank, the designers use even lighter magnesium material in some cases. High-strength steel tubes are integrated into the A-pillars for safety reasons.
The boot lid helps to further trim the weight. For the first time on a volume-produced model, the inner support is made from lightweight carbon-fibre composite material. The extremely rigid carbon-fibre component is bonded to the plastic outer shell, resulting in a weight saving of five kilograms compared with a conventional boot lid – an innovative solution that is being pioneered with the SL 63 AMG. This raft of innovative lightweight design measures means that, at an EC kerb weight of 1845 kilograms, the new SL 63 AMG is 125 kilograms lighter than the model it is replacing.
AMG sports suspension based on Active Body Control
The lightweight design measures are not just limited to the body of the SL 63 AMG, however, as the steering knuckles and spring links on the four-link front suspension and almost all of the multi-link independent rear suspension's wheel location components are made of aluminium. The reduction in unsprung masses enhances both agility and the response characteristics of the spring-and-damper units.
Mercedes-AMG is remaining faithful to the ABC active spring and damper system: the new SL 63 AMG is equipped with an enhanced version of the AMG sports suspension based on Active Body Control as standard. During the design, development and testing phases, the focus was firmly on driving dynamics and performance. To enable greater agility and faster cornering speeds, the SL 63 AMG has more negative camber all round and fully revised elastokinematics. Exceptionally sporty characteristics with reduced roll angles and firm body damping ("Sport") or more comfort-oriented settings for a high level of comfort on long journeys ("Comfort") can be selected at the push of a button.
Equipped with the new, electro-mechanical AMG speed-sensitive sports steering, the flagship AMG model impresses with its fleet-footed, agile cornering and exceptional feedback at the critical limits. The steering has a constant and more direct ratio, and variable power assistance which adjusts in line with the suspension settings. Further standard equipment includes 3-stage ESP®, a speciality exclusive to AMG with "SPORT Handling" mode for particularly keen drivers, while options available from the AMG Performance Studio include an AMG rear axle differential lock and AMG performance suspension.
Individuality: AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission
Power transmission can likewise be adapted to specific requirements, as the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission has four modes to select from: "C" (Controlled Efficiency), "S" (Sport), "S+" (Sport plus) and "M" (Manual). In "C" mode, the ECO start/stop function is active and switches off the eight-cylinder engine when the vehicle is at a standstill. Plus the transmission characteristics are tangibly soft, with smooth and early gear changes. Second gear is generally used as the starting gear in this mode.
The engine and transmission are far more agile in "S", "S+" and "M" mode; in addition, the ECO start/stop function is deactivated. Partial suppression of the cylinders proves perfect for a committed driving style: briefly and precisely interrupting ignition and injection under full load leads to even faster gearshifts than before. A welcome side effect of this is the emotive sound impression. An automatic double-declutching function for downshifting and the RACE START function are also included as standard with the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission.
Newly developed AMG high-performance composite braking system
Maximum performance is also a top priority when it comes to braking: the newly developed AMG high-performance composite braking system features 390 x 36 mm composite discs with six-piston fixed callipers at the front and 360 x 26 mm integral discs with single-piston floating callipers at the rear. An electric parking brake is fitted as standard, while options available from the AMG Performance Studio include red-painted callipers to denote the AMG Performance package and the even more high-performance, weight-optimised AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system as seen on the SLS AMG.
The SL 63 AMG leaves the factory fitted with five-twin-spoke AMG light-alloy wheels painted in titanium grey with a high-sheen finish, complete with 255/35 R 19 front and 285/30 R 19 rear tyres. Multi-spoke AMG forged wheels painted in titanium grey and with a polished finish from the AMG Performance Studio with 255/35 R 19 front and 285/30 R 20 rear tyres – also available in matt black including a rim flange with a high-sheen finish – help to reduce the unsprung masses.
Design: dominated by the new AMG brand face
SLS AMG Roadster, SLK 55 AMG and SL 63 AMG – as the latest addition to the AMG Roadster family, the flagship V8 model displays the hallmark styling elements of a superior high-performance car from Affalterbach. The new AMG brand face comprises the twin blade radiator grille and the lower cross strut in the front apron - both featuring a solver chrome finish. The dynamically distinctive AMG bodystyling, meanwhile, comprises the front apron with large air dams and AMG-specific LED daytime driving lights. Other particularly eye-catching features include the side sill panels and the "V8 BITURBO" logos on the vent grilles with fins in silver chrome. At the rear, the AMG spoiler lip, the two chromed twin tailpipes of the AMG sports exhaust system and the diffuser-style rear apron with body-coloured insert draw the design to a fitting conclusion.
Vario-roof: MAGIC SKY CONTROL as an option
The sixth-generation SL retains the electrohydraulically operated vario-roof which can be retracted into the boot to save space, enabling the SL to be transformed into a roadster or a coupé, as the mood takes the driver and depending on the weather, in under 20 seconds. In contrast to the outgoing model, there are three versions to choose from for the new SL: painted roof, glass roof or the unique panoramic vario-roof with MAGIC SKY CONTROL. Its transparency can be switched to light or dark at the push of a button.
Interior: a feast for all the senses
The SL 63 AMG interior is likewise inspired by the SLS AMG and offers a feast for all the senses: the four air vents styled like jet engines, the E-SELECT lever and the AMG DRIVE UNIT are all reminiscent of the super sports car's styling. Standard equipment includes AMG sports seats in nappa leather with their own V8 seat upholstery layout and AMG badges in the seat backrests, a multicontour function and seat heating, as well as AMG carbon-fibre trim, AMG illuminated door sill panels, ambient lighting and an IWC-design analogue clock. One of the stand-out details on the AMG Performance steering wheel is the AMG logo in the lower metal insert. The sportily designed AMG instrument cluster provides a wealth of information with its TFT colour monitor, AMG start-up display, AMG main menu and RACETIMER. Outstanding material quality and high-calibre workmanship underline the attention to detail paid by the Mercedes and AMG experts.
Further standard equipment for the SL 63 AMG at a glance (selection):
  • COMAND Online with 6-disc DVD changer
  • Anti-theft alarm system
  • Frontbass
  • Remote-unlocking boot lid incl. power closing for boot lid
  • Intelligent Light System (ILS)
  • MAGIC VISION CONTROL adaptive windscreen cleaning system
  • NECK-PRO head restraints
  • PRE-SAFE® system
  • Automatic, pop-up roll-over bars for driver and front passenger
  • Draught-stop
In keeping with tradition, the SL 63 AMG has an extensive range of optional extras (selection):
  • AIRSCARF neck-level heating
  • Active Parking Assist incl. PARKTRONIC
  • Bang & Olufsen BeoSound AMG high-end surround sound system
  • Driving Assistance package Plus (DISTRONIC PLUS incl. BAS PLUS, PRE-SAFE® brake, Active Lane Keeping Assist and Active Blind Spot Assist)
  • harman/kardon® Logic 7® surround sound system
  • KEYLESS-GO Convenience package (incl. remote-closing boot lid and HANDS-FREE ACCESS system)
  • Exclusive nappa leather
  • Climatised seats
  • Electric draught-stop
A winning formula: the SL models made by AMG
The powerful SL models from Affalterbach are among the most successful AMG models of all time: around 5000 examples of the SL 63 AMG models with the 6.3-litre V8 naturally aspirated engine were sold between 2008 and 2011. Over 21,500 of the SL 55 AMG models with V8 supercharged engine produced between 2001 and 2007 were sold, making it the best-selling AMG model so far. In the last ten years, a total of more than 26,500 SL AMG models with eight-cylinder engine have been sold.
The new Mercedes-Benz SL 63 AMG will be launched in May 2012. Prices in Germany at a glance (incl. 19% VAT):
SL 63 AMG:                               €157,675
AMG Performance package:    €14,280

